ガザ パレスチナ


2008年12月30日 0:59 (現地時間)

  ガザ北部では、ロバに引かれた荷車が空襲され、避難途上の一家が死亡。だが、発表によれば、攻撃されたのはグラッド・ロケットを積載した車だという! ことの真相はと言えば、不運な一家が家財道具を荷車に載せてロバに引かせていたに過ぎないのだ!

  イスラエルのヘリや飛行機が今も頭上を飛びかっている。今晩もガザに対してさらなる攻撃があるにちがいない。 ガザのパレスチナ人は対空兵器など何一つ持ってはいないというのに! これが私たちにとっての新年のスタート、これが私たちの 「ハッピー・ニュー・イヤー」、 これが、失敗に終わった恥知らずのブッシュ政権と民主主義が私たちに送るラスト・メッセージなのだ!
  昨日、カイロでは大規模なデモがあった。デモ参加者が叫んだのはムバーラク大統領を非難するスローガンだった。 裏切り者ムバーラク、ムバーラクに死を、イスラエルはナイルの地から出て行け、といった敵意に満ちた言葉の数々。

----- Original Message -----

   Raid are still going on in Gaza Strip. More raids on Khan Younis. Lats night more than ten raids on Khan Younis. Two of it were on the building of Khan Younis governoate. In Gaza an old mosque in Shejaiah (East of Gaza) was hit and demolished. In the north of Gaza, an aircraft his a cart drawn by a donkey to kill a family that were leaving the place to save their lives. Theirony is thta it was claimed that they hit a car loaded with GRAD rockets! That poor family had their belonings with them on the donkey cart! Every hour more civilans dies by Israeli bombs. There was a another raid at theIslamic University again, and the former Preventive security deparmtent compunds again. Building at Al-Azhar Univeristy inflected damages too.

   Israeli aircraft are still flying in the sky over our heads. We expect more action against Gaza tonight! The Palestinians in Gaza do not have any kind of anti-aircraft weapons! This is the start of 2009. This is the Happy NewYear and the final words of the failed and shameful Bush's administration and democracy!,
   Yesterday witnesses large demonstrations in Cairo. Protesters shouted slogans against President Hosni Bubarak calling him traitor, and Death to Mubarak, Israel go out of the land of the Nile, and other hostile statements!

Prof. Abdelwahed
Department of English Faculty of Arts & Humanities Al-Azhar University of Gaza